Gen Ramírez
Type is About People
Gen will be sharing stories from his type design journey, highlighting the challenges and rewards of being part of a community striving to open doors for diverse talents. This culture of generosity and openness is driving innovation and growth where formal study opportunities are laking, fostering a more inclusive and supportive future for Mexican type designers.
About Gen Ramírez
Gen Ramírez, a typeface designer and educator based in Guadalajara, Mexico, co-founded Dual Type—a Mexican–Croatian studio specializing in type, editorial, branding, and digital design. His multidisciplinary approach to design has set him on a lifelong exploration of the form and expression of the written word. With a background rooted in sign painting, he’s on a mission to preserve and promote this craft professionally and culturally. Beyond teaching type design and calligraphy, Gen plays a key role in shaping a thriving type community in Mexico, organizing the biennial Letrastica conference in Guadalajara.